Analogue Pocket's first Upgrade To Release In July

Published on 19 May 2022

Analogue Pocket

Analogue revealed in a brief blog post that the much-anticipated 1.1 upgrades for Analogue Pocket would at long last be released in the month of July.

As per the blog post, the next release of version 1.1 of Analogue Pocket OS will contain beta versions of the capabilities for FPGA programming, Libraries, and Memories. In our post from October, you can find more information about the first two features; the Library will be a large historical repository of classic games, and Memories will allow you to record and load save states in addition to taking pictures of the game.

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What’s Included In The Update

It would seem that the development capability will provide developers with the opportunity to make use of the Analogue's second FPGA (field-programmable gate array). According to the information provided on Analogue's website, "Pocket is meant to be as straightforward as possible to construct and transfer FPGA cores to." "We made available a second dedicated FPGA just for developers so that they may work on creating and porting their own cores. There will be an interface available for developers to use with Analogue OS's Library, Memories, and Tools. And last, the Pocket's hardware, I/Os, and scalers."

Analogue told Polygon at the time of the retro handheld's debut in December that the update would be coming in January, but the firm has now informed Polygon that a beta version of the upgrade is scheduled to release six months later than originally anticipated. It is unclear what the cause of the delay has been or when Analogue anticipates bringing version 1.1 out of beta testing. Christopher Taber, chief executive officer of Analogue and company founder, did not immediately respond to demands for an explanation.

An Overview of Analogue Pocket

Even without the features that are going to be added in version 1.1, the Analogue Pocket is indeed an impressive piece of hardware. In his review, one of my coworkers, Andrew Webster, wrote that "the Pocket pours new identity into old games by displaying them at their very best." This statement is from the Analogue Pocket. However, if you do not currently own a portable device, it is possible to take some time for you to get one. If you place a purchase for a Pocket right now, you won't get it until sometime in 2023, since the next round of preorders, known as Group B, is expected to arrive in the fourth quarter.


Featured image: Analogue Pocket


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