A CISO’s Guide to Building an Effective Cloud and Container Security Program

Published on 07 Feb 2024

Effective Cloud and Container Security Program

Enterprises of all sizes and across industries have one thing in common: their unwavering embrace of the Cloud. In today's world, the Cloud has become an indispensable component of every organization's technological arsenal.

Despite its innumerable benefits, the Cloud is one of the most exploited technologies by cyber attackers. In 2022 alone, 39% of businesses experienced a data breach in their cloud environment. Not a small number by any means.
So, how do organizations go from here to steer clear of the Cloud adoption wave? Well, that would be catastrophic as the future of the digital world lies in the Cloud.

It's crucial to embrace Cloud technologies, but at the same time, organizations must also invest in creating an effective Cloud security program to protect their Cloud environments. A shift left and shield right Cloud security approach can be a game changer in your cloud security strategy.

Explore this insightful POV to gain valuable insights on building and harnessing the potential of the shift left and shield right Cloud security approach.


Read also: Five Steps to a Mature Cybersecurity Program and Achieve Resiliency: A Systems Perspective

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