Accelerating Your AWS Migration with Basefarm

Published on 31 Jul 2021

White paper - Accelerating Your AWS Migration with Basefarm

To get the most out of the cloud, you need to have the right migration strategy. The correct approach will your business accelerate innovation, improve efficiency and gain a competitive advantage. It will only be possible to make the shift to the cloud if you have a strong understanding of your existing IT architecture. You will also need good knowledge of the best practices required for cloud migration and deployment. 

Over the past 13 years, AWS has played a key role in helping thousands of businesses move their workloads to the cloud. This has allowed them to reduce costs, increase their business agility and have better operational efficiency.  As a certified AWS managed service partner, Basefarm has put together a complete and proven approach to help businesses migrate their workloads to the cloud. This approach will help you avoid the common pitfalls that organizations encounter with cloud migration. This comprehensive approach will also help you effectively recognize, measure, and communicate the tangible benefits of cloud migration to relevant stakeholders.

See also: Time to Digital Leapfrog Your Enterprise Data Management

Key Considerations When Planning Your Migration

  1. Business Impact: Which cloud opportunities will deliver the greatest business value, and where are the quick wins that will demonstrate impact and build belief within the business?
  2. Security and Compliance Needs: What are the specific security and compliance requirements of your business? How can adopting cloud solutions with in-built security and resilience improve your ability to protect your users and your data?
  3. Current Environment Complexity: How complex is your current on-premises IT environment and what interdependencies exist? Understanding this will help you plan a phased transition and identify the support you’ll need.
  4. Time to Value: How quickly are you looking to achieve the business benefits? What’s the opportunity cost of resource constraints delaying your migration and what else could you invest in to grow your business if you accelerate your migration plans?
  5. Skills and Expertise: How much in-house expertise do you have and what sort of external support will you require? Find a partner who has people & skills to advise customers in hybrid migration using both public and private cloud.
  6. Ongoing Management: How will you manage your cloud-based applications post-migration? Look for an external Managed Service partner who can onboard customers that will opt for Managed Services.

The migration for every organization is different. Baseware has experience in helping organizations that are in different stages of maturity, in different industries, and in different organizations. Download this white paper to learn about their three-stage migration process. Subscribe to for access to quality resources that can help your business.


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