Security requirements for a cybersecurity fabric
Published on 11 Jun 2021

Google registered over 2 million phishing sites as of January 2021, a 27% increase in one year, up from 1.7 million. Malware in the year 2020 increased by 358% as compared to 2019 [1]. The cost of cybersecurity crimes has been increasing 15% year over year. It is estimated that by 2025, Cybersecurity crimes worldwide will cost businesses $10.5 trillion per year [2]. Organizations are accelerating their adoption of digital innovations which creates new network edges and further splinters the security perimeter. At the same time, cyber-attacks are becoming more sophisticated and criminals are also using advanced technologies to find new vulnerabilities and carry out successful attacks. Traditional security systems and strategies are no longer effective. Instead of relying on isolated point products, businesses should implement a fabric of security.
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What is a fabric of security?
Also known as cybersecurity fabric or federated security, this is a type of security model. Unlike endpoint security, network security, web application security, and Internet security, security fabric systems assume that cyberattacks will inevitably be successful and it is not possible to prevent all of them. So along with prevention, these systems also emphasize security response time. How long does it take for the security system to detect unauthorized access? How long to isolate the access and prevent harm? How much time is required for recovery? Earlier protection models focused on using devices and point security systems to secure a system's perimeter. Over the years the security perimeter has become more vast, complex, and fragmented. The computing environments that businesses utilize in 2021 include cloud technologies, remote devices, etc. This creates complexity and makes it near impossible to identify security threats. The goal of 100% prevention of security attacks is not practical or achievable. Instead, businesses should also focus on how quickly their security systems can identify a breach and minimize any damage caused.
The 5 fundamentals for a security fabric
Organizations are embracing digital innovations at a much faster pace and are unable to secure them at the same speed. To stay competitive businesses must take advantage of the latest developments in technology. So the choice becomes slowing down business or increasing the complexity and risk of the business's network. The approach to cybersecurity needs to evolve. Download this whitepaper by Fortinet to learn about the 5 fundamentals that are required for effective security design. The information will you get started with a security fabric for your own organization. Fortinet provides security solutions to large enterprises, service providers, and government organizations around the world. The Fortninet Security Fabric architecture is able to deliver effective security for expanding attack surfaces.
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1. Apr. 2021, P. Stainer, "Alarming Cybersecurity Statistics for 2021 and the Future", Retarus [accessed June 2021]
2. Mar. 2021, "Cybercrime to cost over $10 Trillion by 2025", Security Boulevard, [available online] available from: [accessed June 2021]