The Future of Robotics

Published on 09 Sept 2022

Future, Robotics

What comes to mind when the term "robot" is mentioned? Imagine a mechanical humanoid on a spacecraft in the far future. Perhaps you see a bleak future in which robot masters oppress humans. Or maybe you see a vehicle production line with robot-like devices assembling automobiles.

Nevertheless, in your opinion, one thing is certain robots are here to stay. Fortunately, it appears more probable that robots would do risky or monotonous duties rather than seize executive authority. Let's examine robotics, including the definition and classification of the word, the function of Artificial Intelligence in the area, the future of robotics, and how robots will impact our lives.

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What Is Robotics?

Robotics is the discipline of engineering that focuses on the idea, design, building, operation, application, and use of robots. A little further, we find that robots are described as autonomously operated machines that perform a sequence of acts independently and complete the job that humans typically do.

Robots do not need to resemble humans, but some do. Consider photographs of vehicle production lines as evidence. The term "android" is often used to refer to humanoid robots. Although robot designers sometimes make their inventions seem human so that humans feel more comfortable around them, this is not always the case. Some individuals find robots, particularly those that mimic humans, disturbing.

Variety of Robots

Robots are adaptable machines, as proven by their vast array of shapes and purposes. Here are a few types of robots that exist today:


In the healthcare business, robots perform various tasks, including aiding in surgery and physical therapy to help patients walk, navigating facilities and delivering necessary supplies such as medications and linens. Even healthcare robots have aided the battle against the epidemic by creating respirators and filling and sealing testing swabs.


A Roomba is all that is required to locate a robot in someone's home. In addition to cleaning floors, home-based robots can now mow lawns and supplement technologies such as Alexa.


The manufacturing industry was the first to use robots, such as the automotive assembly line devices we described. Industrial robots perform arc welding, material manipulation, steel cutting, and food packing.


Everyone desires delivery of their online purchases on time, if not earlier. Therefore, businesses use robots to arrange warehouse shelves, retrieve items, and even make local deliveries.

Space Exploration

The robots Sojourner and Perseverance are Mars explorers. The Hubble telescope and deep space probes like Voyager and Cassini are considered robots.


Robots do hazardous duties; there is nothing more hazardous than contemporary combat. As a result, the military can access various robots capable of doing many of the most dangerous combat-related tasks. For instance, there is the Centaur, an explosive detection/disposal robot that searches for mines and IEDs, the MUTT, which accompanies troops and transports their equipment; and SAFFiR, which extinguishes shipboard fires.


We already have robot restaurants, robot monuments, and robot toys. As robots get more advanced, their entertainment value will increase proportionally.


Only three words are required: self-driving automobiles.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Robots

As with every modern breakthrough, robots have their advantages and disadvantages. Here is a summary of the positive and negative aspects of robots and the future of robotics.


Why send humans into dangerous locations when robots can accomplish the same work? Evaluate how profitable it would be to have a robot battling a fire or working on the core of a nuclear reactor.

Robots do not take sick days or coffee breaks or need benefits like life insurance, paid time off, or healthcare services such as dentistry and eye care.

Robots are programmed to execute repetitive jobs indefinitely, but the human brain is not. Deploying robots in the industrial sector frees people to do more complex duties and even acquire new skills.

Robots do repeated jobs successfully without exhibiting any signs of boredom. They provide improved quality assurance vigilance, a break in focus that affects employees who execute the same tasks repeatedly. As a person's degree of focus decreases, the chance of mistakes, poor performance, or even accidents rises.


Robot deployment is a high-risk venture that incurs substantial initial expenses. Although most manufacturers see a return on their investment in the long run, it is costly in the near term. However, this is a regular impediment in deploying new technologies, such as establishing a wireless network or migrating to the cloud.

Yes, robots have replaced some humans in specific circumstances, such as production lines. Whenever the business sector implements game-changing technology, several jobs are lost. However, this disadvantage may be exaggerated since adopting robots often increases the requirement for personnel to maintain the technology, which takes us to the last drawback.

They compel enterprises to recruit competent support workers, which is wonderful news for prospective employees but poor news for frugal businesses.

Programmers, operators, and repair staff are required for robots. The notion of needing to employ professionals (and pay them professional-level wages!) may be a deterrent to introducing robots, notwithstanding the elation of job searchers.

Difference Between Robots & Virtual Robots

Web crawlers and chatbots are software robots that accomplish tasks without human interaction. These virtual robots do not qualify as real robots since they lack physical properties.

This technology should not be confused with robotic software that determines a robot's programming and is installed into the robot. In both circumstances, however, the software helps the entity (robot or computer program) accomplish its duties independently of human contact; therefore, it is natural for overlap to occur.

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Future Prospects for Robotics and Robots

As a result of increased sensor technology and more amazing developments in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, robots will continue to evolve from rote machines to cognitive collaborators. These improvements and those in related sectors are on an upward trend, and robots will gain greatly from them.

We may anticipate a large increase in more intelligent robots collaborating with humans in more aspects of life. Contrary to doomsday prophets with a bleak worldview, these upgraded robots will not replace workers. Some industries become outdated due to new technology, creating new jobs and educational prospects.

This is true for robots. Fewer humans will weld automotive frames, but there will be a higher need for qualified experts to program, operate, and repair the welding machines. In many instances, this implies that workers might acquire useful in-house training and upskilling, giving them skills applicable to robot programming and maintenance and other disciplines and sectors.


Featured image: Image by Freepik


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