The Evolution of IT Roles with the Advent of AI and Automation

Published on 11 May 2024

ai and automation

Information Technology (IT) has grown into almost every field and business in the digital age, going beyond its usual roles. This growth is largely due to how quickly artificial intelligence (AI) and robotic technologies are improving. When these technologies become more integrated into businesses, they change how businesses work and what jobs and skills are needed in the IT workforce. 

In fact, around 80% of U.S. workers could have at least 10% of their work affected by generative AI, leading to the need for reskilling for at least 20% of enterprise employees. This blog talks about how AI and robotics are changing IT jobs in big ways, how new job titles are coming about, and how the skills needed for the future of IT are changing.

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Traditional IT Roles: A Recap

In the past, IT roles and jobs mostly involved handling equipment, ensuring data safety, installing software, and fixing hardware problems. The major jobs of people like system managers, network engineers, and help desk workers were to handle and maintain technology tools.

The Advent of AI and Automation

These standard jobs have greatly changed since AI and robotics were introduced into IT. Automation tools can now do repetitive tasks, like entering data, performing simple system checks, and even some parts of threat tracking. Conversely, AI makes more complicated decisions through natural language processing, predictive analytics, and complex problem-solving in IT operations.

Impact on Existing Roles

  • System Administrators and Network Engineers: Automation has taken over routine tasks such as patch management, network configuration, and system updates, allowing system administrators and network engineers to focus on more strategic activities such as network architecture planning and cybersecurity strategy.
  • Help Desk Technicians: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants now handle initial customer queries and troubleshoot. This shift allows human technicians to concentrate on more complex, higher-level support tasks that require critical thinking and human intervention.
  • Data Analysts: The use of AI in data analysis has transformed this role significantly. AI algorithms can analyze large datasets more efficiently than humans, identifying trends and patterns that were previously unnoticed. Data analysts must now understand machine learning techniques to tailor AI models to specific analytical needs.

Emergence of New Roles

Rapid AI and automation technologies integration into various sectors has created several new roles within the IT industry. These roles are designed to bridge the gap between traditional IT functions and the innovative capabilities provided by modern technologies. As businesses strive to leverage these advanced tools, IT professionals find opportunities in exciting new areas. Here's a closer look at some of these emerging roles and what they entail:

AI/ML Engineers

AI/ML Engineers specialize in designing, implementing, and maintaining machine learning models and artificial intelligence systems. These professionals possess strong programming skills and a deep understanding of AI principles and data science. Their work often involves experimenting with novel algorithms, optimizing existing models for better accuracy and efficiency, and deploying AI solutions that interact seamlessly with other business systems.

Automation Specialists

Automation Specialists implement and manage automation solutions that improve business processes. This role involves a deep understanding of the technology and the specific business operations it aims to enhance. Specialists in this field work with Robotic Process Automation (RPA), intelligent process automation (IPA), and other technologies to streamline operations, reduce manual labor, and minimize the risk of human error.

Data Scientists

Even though data scientists have been around for a while, their jobs have changed a lot since big data and AI became popular. These experts are very important for getting useful information from big data sets. To solve important business problems, data scientists use a mix of statistical analysis, predictive models, and machine learning. Their job is becoming increasingly important in fields like healthcare and banking, where decisions depend a lot on correct and up-to-date info.

Ethical AI Advisors

The need for Ethical AI Advisors has grown as AI systems become more pervasive. These professionals ensure that AI applications are developed and used in a manner that adheres to ethical standards and regulatory requirements. They address issues related to bias in AI models, privacy concerns, and the broader impacts of automation on the workforce. They aim to guide organizations in responsible AI usage that benefits society while minimizing potential harm.

Cloud Integration Specialists

As more people use cloud technologies, Cloud Integration Specialists are crucial for ensuring that AI and automation tools work well across all cloud platforms. They know everything about cloud systems and services and can build, install, and manage cloud-based apps. Their work ensures that businesses can grow quickly and that all the cloud services they offer work well together.

AI Product Managers

AI Product Managers are in charge of making sure that AI-based goods are built and released correctly. They need to know a lot about both the technical side of AI and what people want. As part of this job, you'll work with developers, data scientists, and marketing experts from other teams to make sure the AI product meets customer needs and fits with business goals.

Evolving Skill Sets

As roles evolve, so do the skill sets required to fill them. IT professionals must now possess a mix of technical, analytical, and soft skills:

  • Technical Skills: Knowledge of AI programming languages (like Python and R), familiarity with AI and machine learning frameworks (such as TensorFlow or Apache Spark), and expertise in automation tools are becoming fundamental skills for IT professionals.
  • Analytical Skills: It is crucial to be able to work with big data and conduct complex quantitative analyses. Understanding data structures, statistical foundations, and the output from AI models is also essential.
  • Soft Skills: With the technical aspects being handled by AI and automation, soft skills such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and effective communication are more important than ever. IT professionals must articulate complex technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders and collaborate across various departments.


Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are increasingly used in IT. This is changing roles and creating whole new types of jobs in the field. Because of this change, the workforce needs to be flexible, always learning, and able to use new tools. Companies need to spend money on training and growth to get the most out of AI and technology. To stay relevant, IT workers must be open to learning new things throughout their lives and willing to change their jobs and tasks. IT, AI, and robots working together will continue to be a big part of future growth and efficiency at work.


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