10 Proven Podcast Marketing Strategies In 2023

Published on 17 Feb 2023

Podcast, Marketing, Strategies

It takes time for any podcast, even the finest one, to gain a significant audience. In any case, it only attracts a sizable audience with substantial advertising. Knowing where to begin when advertising your first podcast might take a lot of work. We can help with that. This podcast marketing strategy guide was written as a resource for aspiring and established podcasters. First, let's define podcasts and discuss why you're doing things correctly if you want to launch or expand your podcast before diving into our definitive guide to podcast promotion.

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Why Create a Podcast?

Podcasts have become more popular as a means of entertainment and education. About 7 in 10 podcast listeners in the US have listened to a podcast specifically to learn something new. More than 2.4 million podcasts with over 66 million episodes have been created as of June 2022.

Statistics suggest that 62 percent of American customers have listened to an audio podcast in the last month. There was a 5% rise from last year to this.

The podcast industry is booming and is a great place to find buyers. Shopify found that 81 percent of podcast listeners took action after hearing a podcast ad, and 54 percent said they were more inclined to purchase after hearing about it on a podcast. Podcasting is a fantastic medium to expand your brand's exposure, strengthen consumer loyalty, and boost revenue.

Strategy to Podcast Marketing for 2023

A podcast's audience size may be increased using a variety of podcast promotion strategy; however, there is no "one size fits all" method. Here are some things to remember as we get into the podcast marketing strategy we're excited about in 2023. Before deciding on a podcast promotion strategy, you need to determine who you're making the podcast for. Second, feel free to test.

1. Understand Your Goal

A podcast's purpose should be determined before production on any episode begins. What's the point of listening to this podcast, then? This episode, why? Determine the gap you want to fill and how you'll know whether you've succeeded. To what extent will you evaluate the success of your affiliate marketing campaign by looking at metrics like the volume of downloads, inbound links, and sales? When you take the time to plan out your goals and the metrics by which you will evaluate success, you can create a podcast and episodes that are more focused and on-point.

2. Generate Excellent Content

Keep in mind the preceding data about podcasts. More than 850,000 podcasts are available. To put it mildly, that's a lot of rivalries. You must make great podcast material and market it effectively to attract more listeners and expand your audience. So what exactly goes into making high-quality media?

Equipment. We advise investing in a high-quality microphone, video editing, and call recording software at the very least (for guests).

Stories. Our brains' neural pathways light up when we hear a narrative, and we begin to feel sympathetic towards the narrator. Not to mention, they stick in your mind more readily.

3. Create Strong Titles & Summaries

Your podcast's title and description are the first things potential listeners will notice, which are crucial in determining whether or not they'll subscribe. The name of your podcast should convey a general idea to potential listeners. Next, elaborate on what your podcast's audience can anticipate hearing by writing a description.

There's more to making a great podcast episode than just these three things, but you'll be well on your way if you meet those standards.

It is also essential to provide each episode with a title and a brief description. Many podcasts just refer to the episode number as the title. Based on this, listeners must determine what to expect from the episode. Which podcast episode title would pique your interest more: "Episode 39" or "Episode 39: The One Thing You Need to Do to Attract More Listeners?"

4. Begin With Just a Few Episodes

As soon as you begin your podcast, you should put out a few episodes. Most podcasting gurus agree that releasing between five and 10 episodes gives you the best shot at attracting an audience. Listeners won't bother subscribing if you just have one episode up. They will be aware of new episodes' availability once they subscribe. You'll be more likely to get subscribers if you release many episodes at once since listeners can binge on your material before committing to a subscription. Also, having several episodes accessible gives the impression that your podcast is well-established.

5. Create Or Optimize Your Website

We insist that you have a website and a blog up and running immediately if you still need to get one. You may reach a wider audience with your website and blog than with your podcast. The audience for your podcast may be expanded via your blog and vice versa. In certain cases, you won't even need to use the basic website that comes with your podcast provider since you can simply host your podcast material on your website. Even if you'd rather not host your podcast, you can embed episodes on your site to keep everything in one place and increase your site's visibility.

You should have some basic pages and features on your site and your blog. If you want people to listen to and subscribe to your podcast, one of your website's most crucial sections should be the informative About page. Instead of merely listing features and advantages, your About page should focus on your ideal customers and explain how using your product would improve their lives.

6. Modify for SEO

Titles and descriptions of your website content and podcast episodes may be improved for search engines. Using keywords that your audience will likely use while searching for the topic you're discussing in your podcast's episode names and descriptions is an easy method to improve your podcast's search engine optimization. Podcast search engine optimization (SEO) is quite similar to YouTube SEO. Thus, the advice for improving podcast episode descriptions may be used directly for podcasting.

7. Start a Newsletter

The return on investment (ROI) for email marketing is 4,200%, more than any other digital marketing medium. That's a potential return of $42 for every $1 spent on email marketing. The email newsletters you send out are a great way to promote your podcast, inform your listeners of new episodes, and solicit new subscribers. To get the most out of your email marketing campaigns, you'll want to take the necessary measures to expand your email list and choose the most suitable email marketing solution for your company.

8. Submit Podcasts To Podcast Indexes

Adding your podcast to podcast directories and aggregators is another simple and fast approach to promoting it. Several podcast indexes and aggregators are available, including:

  • Google Play
  • Apple Podcasts
  • iHeartRadio
  • Stitcher
  • Spotify
  • SoundCloud
  • TuneIn
  • Podbay
  • Podtail

Create an account on each service and upload your RSS feed to distribute fresh episodes simultaneously.

9. Release Fresh Episodes at the Right Time

Your podcast episodes should be released at the optimal moment, just as your social media posts should be. When you're just starting podcasting, you can see when other podcasts comparable to yours release new episodes by checking out their publication schedules. That's an excellent starting point. When you have enough information about when your podcast listeners are most active, you may adjust your publishing schedule accordingly.

10. Get Your Audience Involved

Even though podcasting is a one-way medium, you should remember your audience. Listener participation is crucial to the success of any podcast. Be sure to tell your listeners what to do after hearing your podcast. You may encourage people to subscribe, share, or review your podcast. On the other hand, you can't only inquire. The message must be helpful to the receiver. Explain why it's in their best interest to subscribe, share, and review your podcast (hint: it'll help you make more episodes in the future).

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With the strategies in this podcast promotion strategy, you can turn your show from a promising newcomer into a top-tier hit. Remember that podcasts in 2023 are iterative testing, adjusting, and analyzing process. Start with only one or two of the podcast promotion methods we've outlined here and see how they perform before expanding. In little time, you'll have a widely-listened-to podcast that spreads awareness of your company and generates sales.


Featured image: Image by Freepik


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