Deliver Cutting-edge Digital Experiences
Published on 08 Feb 2021
How agencies can help brands deliver cutting-edge digital experiences
There are several factors that are driving the demand for comprehensive digital experiences. Chief among them is customer expectations. Consumers are becoming more and more comfortable with digital landscapes, some disruptors are taking advantage of this increased familiarity and giving consumers and end to end enhanced digital experience. Once a customer has encountered such content from one industry they start to expect it from other industries. Another important factor is the number of digital channels that customers have access to. New digital channels are being introduced like connected TVs, smart gadgets and wearables. Organizations must create an experience that feels cohesive and connected across these channels. Consumers expect the information they provide a brand on their mobile to influence what that brand delivers on their smart TV. The want the touchpoints on each of these touchpoints to be meaningful and tailored for that environment.
As customer expectations are changing so is the way brands communicate with them. Companies have recognized the importance of digital and are increasingly choosing a digital first approach. They now have the tools, resources and channels to deliver experiences directly to the consumer. Digital is no longer the secondary thought of marketing campaigns. The digital-first trend is not limited to companies that work in the digital space, large brands like Nike and Ralph Lauren have also accelerated their shift to digital from traditional retail channels.
Benefits of digital first content marketing
By giving consumers a more immersive, digital experience brands will be able to drive preference, increase customer loyalty and be able to charge higher prices. They will be able to communicate with and cater to customers throughout their life cycle and build on communication that has already taken place. In order to be successful brands need to look beyond just creating websites and the conventional approaches to content.
Brands must ensure that they have the core competencies required to deliver meaningful and exciting digital experiences. Many of these brands will chose to work with an experienced digital agency to help them stay competitive and relevant. Digital in many ways is the great equalizers. Earlier brands with deep pockets had an upper hand as they could purchase space and dominate visibility in front of consumers. Now they must stand out in a crowded room that does not have a high entry fee. One consistent advantage that brands can keep in this new environment is their ability to build cutting-edge digital experiences faster than their competitors.
What are digital experiences?
Customers today typically have multiple touch points and experiences with a company via digital channels before they become a client or decide whether to continue their life cycle with an organization. Collectively these touch points are referred to as a digital experience. Technology plays a key role in these type of experiences. A good digital experience is enhances the human experience. Today digital experiences can be delivered via a multitude of devices and channels. This include more traditional means like desktop and mobile websites but also extends to smart watches, integrated apps in smart devices, internet of things, etc. Another approach to delivering a quality digital experience is to make the technology used to deliver the experience invisible. The user should have an easy, fast and intuitive interaction with the interface while the technology is running silently in the background.
In this whitepaper you can find out which three digital experiences your agency should prioritize and get expert insights which tools are being used by top brands to create the digital experiences of tomorrow. Download this whitepaper to learn more about the importance of digital experiences.