Small IT Department Structure: Meeting The Needs of Business
Published on 24 Dec 2022
IT personnel at small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) have challenging days. You don't have the vast finances, employees, and "preferred" vendor connections that bigger organizations have, yet you face many of the same difficulties. Finally, your IT structure is accountable for providing IT assistance that promotes a positive end-user experience and business efficiency.
While you concentrate on strengthening your tiny IT department, your to-do list is lengthy and vital to your company's future. The rise of hybrid and remote work and increased cybersecurity concerns have complicated IT support and forced many IT teams to rely on various technologies and often-disconnected "solutions." In fact, according to a recent IDG research, 87% of IT directors use numerous solutions for remote help. In small firms, a lack of staff in the IT department structure makes the work difficult enough, but the complexity of your IT toolkit/stack may also cause issues for both your agents who need to switch between tools and your employees who want quick response times.
The Top Three Tasks That SMB IT Teams Must Complete
While you evaluate how to arrange your IT department, the list of IT jobs you must do falls into three large, mission-critical buckets:
1. Provide technical assistance.
On both counts.
Employee productivity determines business production. You must keep your users up and running by providing them with user-friendly IT help that quickly addresses their concerns. If your IT team employs numerous tools to help users, your agents will have to go back and forth to access the proper tool for the relevant user problem, affecting the resolution time.
Remember that workers at remote workstations have equipment other than laptops and mobile devices on which they now depend to accomplish their jobs, such as home Wi-Fi routers, personal printers, headphones, additional displays, and all the cables and connections that go with them. Your IT department is now responsible for resolving technical difficulties with these physical devices.
2. Oversee IT infrastructure.
Maintain company operations.
Modern enterprises are powered by technology. You must keep an eye on the health of staff gadgets so that they may continue to accomplish their jobs while avoiding major issues. This is best done in the background so as not to disrupt your employee's productivity.
Whether you're gaining access to system diagnostics such as memory and CPU usage, managing software updates, resolving identified issues later when the employee is away for the night, or automating software installations, patches, or scripts, all they need to know is that their technology "just works."
3. Maintain information technology security.
Even when the going becomes tougher.
The pandemic and the rise of hybrid work have escalated global cyberattacks. Malicious actors have gotten increasingly adept at locating flaws in IT systems, and once inside your infrastructure, they may do significant harm.
Having IT tools with vulnerabilities that cyber attackers can readily exploit, such as most conventional remote access controls, is a formula for IT catastrophe, leading to significant legal responsibility and corporate brand harm (not to mention your career).
Meeting SMB IT Needs: A Case for Tool Consolidation
Again, the complexity and diversity of your tools are closely tied to the complexity and multiplicity of your IT difficulties. Because having too many tools may lead to inefficiencies, tool consolidation is sometimes the best way ahead. To address the demands of your company, your IT teams must be:
1. Flexible work enablers, including hybrid and remote work.
Flex employment grinds to a standstill without technology. When your agents are productive and can rapidly use the proper tool for the right scenario, the company can move ahead more successfully and efficiently.
2. Emphasize user experience—for end users, agents, and administrators.
When your agents have a positive user experience, your end users will also have a positive one. IT management must be simple to implement and invisible to end users, while IT assistance must be quick and smooth. However, it is not just about agents and workers. You must choose, deploy, manage, and assess the performance of your IT tools as an administrator.
The more technologies you have in your stack, the more time you're likely to spend troubleshooting integration issues, creating workarounds, educating personnel, and maintaining your complicated, diverse infrastructure. When challenged with "doing more with less," having fewer tools to "decomplexify" your infrastructure might be beneficial.
3. Capable of adapting and evolving.
You will want adaptable IT management technologies to enable you to grow your department as business demands evolve. Expensive outdated systems on-premises slow you down and waste resources. Technology drives today's companies. Your team needs bandwidth to not only respond to current conditions but also to plan for the future. IT tools must free up your time for broader activities, which is why a centralized platform is ideal.
4. Integrated into the company.
The IT crew is increasingly in the limelight since they keep contemporary organizations operating. It only seems sensible to bring the support procedure into the limelight. Consider features such as conversational ticketing, which takes the support desk to where workers work using chat tools like Microsoft Teams and Slack. Tools must be seamlessly integrated in a future where people may work from anywhere.
5. Get more done with less.
Consider how many agents are required to assist your firm; with more efficient (and consolidated) technologies designed to accommodate today's flexible work, one agent may accomplish more and more simply. An all-in-one IT solution designed particularly for today's issues may satisfy the demands of SMBs.
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